Part 24: Question 24: What piece of advice would you give to your five year old self?

If I could give my five year old self a piece of advice, I would definitely ask her to learn how to embrace change.

In the ever-changing landscapes of life, one valuable piece of advice is : Embrace the change. Change is inevitable. According to philosopher Parmenides, change is the fundamental of our life.

Embracing means acknowledging presence in our lives and understanding that resisting it only leads to stagnation and frustration.

Change can be intimidating. It often brings uncertainty and upheaval. But it can also be encouraging. It acts as a catalyst for growth and transformation. It challenges us to step out of our comfort zone and the one who wins, flourishes. By embracing change, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities.

So, my advice to my five year old self would be : Embrace the change wholeheartedly. Expect the unknown and embrace it. Yes its gonna be difficult but its always gonna be worth it. Embrace the twists and turns of life, knowing that each one brings us closer to where we're meant to be :)

Try this :

I highly recommend writing this one down. Pull out a piece of paper and write an incident which would've been the most unforseen to your child self. It could be anything. Write how you handled that situation or change. Done? Okay, now imagine your child self predicted this situation, now if you did or did not make a mistake handling that situation, write it down. If you made a mistake write what would you recommend him/her to NOT do.

Do this for a couple situations you feel were the most astonishing. 1. You'll see how far you've come :) and 2. You'll have the answer to this question :)

If you've been following this series, for the last time :

Until the next piece of your puzzle falls into place <3

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